1. A law

2. A record (Address Record)

3. A/S/L? (Age/Sex/Location?)

4. A:

5. A1 - Net

6. A2DP (Advanced Audio Distribution Profile)

7. AAA server ( Authentication, Authorization, Accounting server)

8. AAC (Advanced Audio Coding)

9. AADS (Account Authority Digital Signature)

10. AAL (ATM Adaptation Layer)

11. ABC Inventory Analysis

12. abend (ABnormal END)

13. ABI (Application Binary Interface)

14. abort

15. above the fold

16. ABP (Alternating Bit Protocol)

17. ABR (Available Bit Rate)

18. absolute URL

19. abstract data type

20. abstract syntax tree

21. abstraction

22. abusive content (1)

23. abusive content (2)

24. AC ’97 (Audio Codec ’97)

25. AC-3 (Active Coding-3)

26. accelerator board

27. acceptable use policy

28. access (1)

29. access (2)

30. access (3)

31. access (4)

32. access (5)

33. access control

34. access control list

35. access interface

36. access log

37. access method

38. access network

39. access path

40. access permission

41. access profile

42. access provider

43. access right

44. access server

45. access time

46. accessibility

47. accountability

48. accounting software

49. accreditation

50. ACD (Automatic Call Distributor)

51. ACH (1) (Automated Clearing House)

52. ACH (2) (Automatic Check Handling)

53. ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability)

54. ACK (ACKnowledgement)

55. acknowledgement

56. ACL (Access Control List)

57. Acorn Computers Ltd.

58. ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface)

59. acquirer

60. acquiring bank

61. acquisition (1)

62. acquisition (2)

63. acquisition (3)

64. ACR (1) (Advanced Communications Riser)

65. ACR (2) (Attenuation-to-Crosstalk Ratio)

66. ACR slot

67. acronym

68. action

69. active attack

70. Active Directory

71. active hub

72. active hyperlink

73. active matrix display

74. active threat

75. active wiretapping

76. active wiretapping

77. ActiveX

78. ActiveX controls

79. activity monitor

80. actual data race

81. actuator

82. AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services)

83. ad view

84. Ada

85. ADAM (Active Directory Application Mode)

86. adapter

87. Adaptive Hybrid ARQ

88. adaptive selling

89. ADB (Apple Desktop Bus)

90. ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter)

91. add-on (add-in)

92. add-on security (1)

93. add-on security (2)

94. address (1)

95. address (2)

96. address book (1)

97. address book (2)

98. address bus

99. address field

100. address space

101. addressing

102. ADN (Advanced Digital Network)

103. ADN (Any day now)

104. ADO (ActiveX Data Objects)

105. ADO.NET

106. Adobe Reader (Acrobat Reader)

107. ADPCM

108. ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution)

109. ADSI (Active Directory Service Interfaces)

110. ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line)

111. ADSL modem

112. ADSL splitter

113. ADSL2 (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line 2)

114. ADSL2+ (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line 2+)

115. advance fee fraud

116. adware

117. adware

118. AEI (Automatic Equipment Identification)

119. aerial

120. AES (Advanced Encryption Standard )

121. AF (Anisotropic Filtering)

122. AF (AutoFocus)

123. AFAIK (As Far As I Know)

124. affiliate programs

125. affinity card

126. AFK (Away from keyboard)

127. AFP (Apple Filing Protocol)

128. AFR (Alternate Frame Rendering)

129. AFS (Andrew File System)

130. AGC (Automatic Gain Control)

131. agent

132. A-GPS (Assisted GPS)

133. AH (IP Authentication Header)

134. AHA (Accelerated Hub Architecture)

135. AHCI (Advanced Host Controller Interface)

136. AI (Artificial Intelligence)

137. AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format)

138. AIIM (Association for Information and Image Management International)

139. AIMM (AGP Inline Memory Module)

140. AIN (Advanced Intelligent Network)

141. air interface

142. AIX (Advanced Interactive eXecutive)

143. AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML)

144. AKA (Also Known As)

145. Akamai

146. alarm

147. alert

148. ALGOL 60 (ALGOrithmic Language 1960)

149. algorithm

150. alias

151. align

152. alkaline battery

153. alpha

154. alpha blending

155. alpha channel

156. Alpha processor

157. alpha version

158. alphanumeric character

159. alphanumeric sort

160. AltaVista

161. ALU (Arithmetic and Logic Unit )

162. AM (Amplitude Modulation)

163. Amadeus

164. amawisd-new

165. Amaya

166. ambient intelligence

167. AMBW (All My Best Wishes)

168. AMC (Adaptive Modulation and Coding)

169. AMD (Advanced Micro Devices)

170. AMD K6 processor

171. AMD Phenom

172. AMD64

173. AMESA (Asia Mobile Electronic Services Alliance)

174. Amiga

175. AMLCD (Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display)

176. Amoeba

177. AMPS (Advanced Mobile Phone Service)

178. AMPS (Automatic Message Processing System)

179. AMR (1) (Audio/Modem Riser )

180. AMR (2) (Adaptive Multi-Rate)

181. AMR slot

182. analog

183. analog computer

184. analog data

185. analog modem

186. analog phone

187. analog signal

188. analog television

189. analog video

190. anchor (1)

191. anchor (2)

192. AND

193. ANI (Automatic Number Identification )

194. animated GIF

195. animation

196. annoyware

197. anonymous FTP

198. anonymous remailer

199. ANSI (American National Standards Institute)

200. ANSI Standard

201. ANSI-136

202. antenna

203. antenna feeder

204. anti-aliasing

205. anti-replay protocol

206. AntiVir

207. antivirus program

208. antivirus software

209. anycast

210. AoC Advice of Charge

211. AOL (America OnLine)

212. AP (Access Point) (1)

213. AP (Access Point) (2)

214. Apache

215. APDU (Application Protocol Data Unit)

216. aperture (1)

217. aperture (2)

218. aperture (3)

219. API (Application Programming Interface)

220. APIC (Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller)

221. APIP (Automatic Private IP Addressing)

222. APM (Advanced Power Management)

223. APN (Access Point Name)

224. apparent data race

225. Apple Macintosh Computer

226. AppleScript

227. applet

228. AppleTalk

229. application (1)

230. application (2)

231. Application Acknowledgment

232. application development environment

233. application development system

234. application framework (1)

235. application framework (2)

236. application generator

237. application language

238. application layer

239. application program

240. application programmer

241. application server

242. application services

243. application software

244. application suite

245. application window

246. application-centric EDI

247. applications link

248. APPN (Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking)

249. AR (Augmented Reality)

250. ARC


252. Archie

253. architecture

254. archive (1)

255. archive (2)

256. archive file

257. archive site

258. ARCNET (Attached Resource Computer NETwork)

259. ARE (Acronym-Rich Environment)

260. ARJ (Archive Robert Jung)

261. ARM (Advanced RISC Machine)

262. ARP (Address Resolution Protocol)

263. ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency)

264. ARPANet (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network)

265. ARQ (Automatic Repeat reQuest)

266. array (1)

267. array (2)

268. array language

269. array processor

270. AS/400 (Application System/400)

271. ASA (American Standards Association)

272. ASAP (As Soon As Possible)

273. ASC X12 (Accredited Standards Committee X12)

274. ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)

275. ASCII file

276. ASCII transfer

277. ASD (Automatic Skip Driver )

278. ASDL (Abstract-Type and Scheme-Definition Language)

279. ASE (Adaptive Server Enterprise)

280. ASF (Advanced Systems Format)

281. ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit)

282. ASN (Autonomous System Number)

283. ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One)

284. ASP (1) (Active Server Pages)

285. ASP (2) (Application Service Provider)

286. ASP aggregator

287. ASP.NET

288. ASPI (Advanced SCSI Programming Interface)

289. ASPLinux

290. ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition)

291. assembler

292. assembly language

293. ASSP (Application Specific Standard Part)

294. asymmetric cryptography

295. asymmetric transmission

296. asynchronous

297. asynchronous port

298. asynchronous transmission

299. AT (Advanced Technology)

300. AT bus

301. AT motherboard

302. ATA (Advanced Technology bus Attachment)

303. ATAFlash

304. ATAPI (AT Attachment Packet Interface)

305. Atari

306. Athlon

307. Athlon 64

308. Athlon XP

309. ATM (1) (Asynchronous Transfer Mode)

310. ATM (2) (Automated Teller Machine)

311. ATM (3) (At The Moment)

312. Atom

313. atomic

314. ATP (AppleTalk Transaction Protocol)

315. ATRAC (Adaptive TRansform Acoustic Coding)

316. ATSC (Advanced Television Systems Committee)

317. attach (1)

318. attach (2)

319. attachment

320. attack

321. attacker

322. attribute

323. attribute list declaration

324. ATU-R (ADSL Terminal Unit - Remote),

325. ATX motherboard

326. AU

327. AuC (Authentication Center)

328. auction

329. audio

330. audio card

331. audio codec

332. audio conferencing

333. audio enhancement

334. audio enhancer

335. audio file

336. audio noise reduction

337. audio object

338. audio signal

339. audio/video server

340. audit trail

341. AUI (Attachment Unit Interface)

342. authentication

343. authentication exchange

344. authentication information

345. authentication server

346. authoring

347. authoring language

348. authoring program

349. authoring system

350. authoring tool

351. authorization

352. authorware

353. autoconfiguration

354. Automatic Camera

355. autonegotiation

356. autonomous system

357. AUX (AUXiliary)

358. auxiliary storage

359. AV (Aperture Value)

360. AV (Augmented Virtuality)

361. availability

362. avatar (1)

363. avatar (2)

364. AVG Anti-Virus

365. AVI (Audio Video Interleaved)

366. AVO (AudioVisual Object)

367. AVS (Address Verification System)

368. AVSR (Audio Visual Speech Recognition)

369. awareness

370. AWG (American Wire Gauge)

371. awk (Aho Weinberger Kernighan)

372. AWT (Abstract Windowing Toolkit)