1. C band (compromise band)

2. C language

3. C Shell

4. C#

5. C/I (Carrier to Interfence ratio)

6. C/N (Carrier-to-Noise ratio)

7. C++

8. C2

9. C2B (Consumer to Business e-commerce)

10. C2C (Client to Client)

11. C2C (Consumer to Consumer)

12. C-450

13. CA (Certificate Authority)

14. CAB file (cabinet file)

15. Cabir

16. cable modem

17. CAC (Conditional Access Card)

18. cache (cache memory)

19. cache server

20. caching

21. CAD (Computer-Aided Design)

22. CAD/CAM (Computer-Aided Design/Computer-Aided Manufacturing)

23. CAL (Client Access Licence)

24. calculator

25. calendaring

26. call (1)

27. call (2)

28. call (3)

29. call (4)

30. call (5)

31. call (6)

32. call center

33. call completion

34. call control

35. call graph

36. CAM (1) (Computer-Aided Manufacturing)

37. CAM (2) (Content Addressable Memory)

38. camcorder

39. CAMEL (Customised Application of Mobile Enhanced Logic)

40. Camino

41. CAN (Campus Area Network)

42. CAN (Controller Area Network)

43. candela

44. cantenna

45. capacitive touchscreen

46. CAPI (1) (Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing)

47. CAPI (2) (Common Application Programming Interface)

48. CAPI (3) (Cryptography API)

49. CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart)

50. capture (1)

51. capture (2)

52. card

53. card services

54. CardBus

55. cardholder

56. careware

57. carrier (1)

58. carrier (2)

59. carrier (3)

60. carrier (4)

61. carrier frequency

62. carrier signal

63. carrier wave

64. carry

65. cartridge

66. cartridge font

67. CAS (2) (Channel Associated Signaling)

68. CAS (1) (Column Address Strobe)

69. CAS (3) (Content Addressed Storage)

70. CAS (4) (Communications Application Specification)

71. CAS (Content Addressed Storage)

72. cascading menu

73. cascading windows

74. case (1)

75. case (2)

76. case (3)

77. CASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering)

78. case insensitive

79. case sensitive

80. CAT 5 (Category 5 cable)

81. catch-all

82. CATV (Community Antenna TV)

83. CAV (Constant Angular Velocity)

84. CB radio (Citizen Band radio)

85. CBR (Constant Bit Rate)

86. CBT (Computer-Based Training)

87. cc (carbon copy)

88. cc:Mail

89. CCA Emacs

90. CCD (Charge-Coupled Device)

91. CCFL (Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp)

92. CCFT (Cold Cathode Fluorescent Tube)

93. CCITT (Commite Consultatif Internationale de Telegraphique et Telephonique )

94. CCK (Complementary Code Keying)

95. CCK/OFDM (Complementary Code Keying/Orthogonal FDM)

96. CCMP (Counter Mode with Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication Code Protocol)

97. CCP (Compression Control Protocol)

98. CCS (100 Call Seconds)

99. CCS (Common Channel Signaling)

100. ccTLD (country code TLD)

101. CCTV (Closed-Circuit TeleVision)

102. CD (Compact Disc)

103. CD burner

104. CD quality

105. CD-E (CD Erasable)

106. CDF (Channel Definition Format)

107. CDG (CDMA Development Group)

108. CD-I (Compact Disc Interactive)

109. CDIP (CERamic Dual In-line Package)

110. CDMA (Code-Division Multiple Access)

111. CDMA2000

112. cdmaOne

113. CDN (Content Delivery Network)

114. CDO (Collaboration Data Objects)

115. CDONTS (Collaborative Data Objects for NT Server)

116. CDPD (Cellular Digital Packet Data)

117. CD-quality

118. CDR (Common Data Rate)

119. CD-R (Compact Disc-Recordable)

120. CD-R drive (Compact Disk-Recordable drive)

121. CD-ROM (Compact Disc Read-Only Memory)

122. CD-ROM drive

123. CD-ROM/XA (CD-ROM eXtended Architecture)

124. CD-RW (CD-ReWritable disk)

125. Cedar Mill

126. cell (1)

127. cell (2)

128. cell (3)

129. cell (4)

130. cell (5)

131. cell (6)

132. cell padding

133. cell phone

134. cell relay

135. cell spacing

136. Cello

137. cellular

138. cellular respiration

139. cellular telephone, cellular phone

140. CENELEC (Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique )

141. Centrino

142. Centronics

143. CEPS (Common Electronic Purse Specification)

144. CEPT (Comite Europeen des Postes et Telecommunications)

145. CERDIP (CERamic Dual In-line Package)

146. CERN (Conseil Européenne pour la Recherche Nucléaire)

147. CERQUAD (CERamic QUADpack)

148. CERT/CC (Computer Emergency Response Team/Coordination Center)

149. certificate

150. Certification Authority

151. certification path

152. CF (CompactFlash)


154. CGA (Color/Graphics Adaptor)

155. CGI (1) (Computer Graphics Interface)

156. CGI (2) (Common Gateway Interface)

157. CGI script

158. cgi-bin

159. CGM (Computer Graphics Metafile)

160. challenge-response

161. channel (1)

162. channel (2)

163. channel (3)

164. channel (4)

165. channel (5)

166. channel (6)

167. channel (7)

168. channel (8)

169. channel coding

170. Channel Definition Format

171. channels

172. CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol)

173. character

174. character printer

175. character set

176. character string

177. chargeback

178. charityware

179. charm bar

180. chat

181. chat room, chatroom

182. chat server

183. check box, checkbox

184. check image interchange

185. check-by-phone

186. checksum

187. child

188. Chimera

189. chip (1)

190. chip (2)

191. chip card

192. chip package

193. chip rate

194. chipset

195. chirp (1)

196. chirp (2)

197. chmod (change mode)

198. chroma

199. chrominance

200. cHTML (compact HTML)

201. churn

202. churn rate

203. CICS (Customer Information Control System)

204. CID (Consider It Done)

205. CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing)

206. CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage)

207. CIE L*a*b*

208. CIF (1) (Common Intermediate Format)

209. CIF (2) (Common Image Format)

210. CIF (3) (Cells In Frames)


212. CIFS (Common Internet File System)

213. CIM (CompuServe Information Manager)

214. CIM (Common Information Model)

215. CIM (Computer-Integrated Manufacturing)

216. cinematic computing

217. Cinepak

218. CIO (Check It Out)


220. cipher

221. ciphertext

222. circuit switching

223. CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computer)

224. cladding

225. class

226. class diagram

227. class library

228. class of service (1)

229. class of service (2)

230. CLCC (Ceramic Leadless Chip Carrier)

231. CLDC (Connected, Limited Device Configuration )

232. clear text

233. clearing (1)

234. clearing (2)

235. clearing house

236. cleartext

237. CLEC (Competitive Local Exchange Carrier)

238. CLI (Common Language Infrastructure)

239. CLI (Call Level Interface)

240. CLI (Calling Line Identification)

241. CLI (Command Line Interface)

242. CLI (Command Line Interface) language

243. CLI (Command Line Interpreter)

244. click

245. click fraud

246. clickable

247. clickable image

248. click-and mortar

249. client (1)

250. client (2)

251. client application

252. client station

253. client/server architecture

254. client-server application

255. client-side processing

256. client-side scripting

257. clipboard

258. clipper chip

259. clock (1)

260. clock (2)

261. clock cycle

262. clock generator

263. clock pulse

264. clock rate

265. clock signal

266. clock speed

267. clone

268. close

269. cloud computing

270. cloud service

271. CLR (Common Language Runtime)

272. cluster (1)

273. cluster (2)

274. cluster controller

275. clustering

276. CLV (Constant Linear Velocity)

277. CMC (Common Messaging Calls)

278. CMC (Computer-Mediated Communication)

279. CMD

280. CMI (Computer-Managed Instruction)

281. CMIP (Common Management Information Protocol)

282. CMOS (Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor)

283. CMS (Call Management System)

284. CMS (Color Mangagement System)

285. CMS (Content Management System)

286. CMS (Conversational Monitor System)

287. CMTS (Cable Modem Termination System)

288. CMU (Carnegie-Mellon University)

289. CMYK (Cyan Magenta Yellow Key)

290. CNA (Computer Network Attack)

291. CNAME record (Canonical Name Record)

292. C-Netz

293. CNR (Communications and Networking Riser)

294. CO (Central Office)

295. COA (Certificate Of Authenticity)

296. coaxial cable

297. COBOL (COmmon Business Oriented Language)

298. co-branding

299. COCA (Cost Of Cracking Adjustment)

300. code (1)

301. code (2)

302. code (3)

303. code (4)

304. code (5)

305. code (6)

306. code base

307. code cache

308. code morphing

309. code point

310. code rate

311. codebreaking

312. codec (1)

313. codec (2)

314. codeword

315. COFDM (Coded Orthogonal FDM)

316. COFF (Common Object File Format)

317. COFF (Common Object File Format)

318. cold boot

319. ColdFusion

320. coLinux (cooperative Linux)

321. collaborative filtering

322. collision

323. collision domain

324. color balance

325. color depth

326. color display

327. color gamut

328. color model

329. color resolution

330. color separation

331. color separation

332. color space

333. color space conversion

334. color value

335. color wheel (1)

336. colorimetry

337. COM (1) (Communications port)

338. COM (2) (Component Object Model)

339. COM object

340. combo box

341. comma-delimited

342. command

343. command interpreter

344. command language

345. command line

346. command line processor

347. command mode

348. command processor

349. command prompt

350. command sequence

351. command shell

352. command-driven

353. commerce server

354. commercial online service

355. commercial software

356. commit

357. commoditization

358. Commodore

359. common carrier

360. communication ID

361. communication software

362. communications

363. communications controller

364. communications envelope

365. communications line

366. communications link

367. communications network

368. communications protocol

369. communications satellite

370. communicator

371. community

372. CompactPCI

373. companding (1)

374. companding (2)

375. Compaq

376. comparator (1)

377. comparator (2)

378. compatible

379. compilation

380. compile

381. compiler

382. complex instruction

383. compliance checking

384. component

385. component architecture

386. component software

387. component video

388. Composite CDMA/TDMA

389. composite video

390. compositin engine

391. compound document

392. compress (1)

393. compress (2)

394. compression (1)

395. compression (2)

396. compression algorithm

397. compression rate

398. compressive sensing

399. CompuServe

400. computationally secure

401. computer

402. computer conference

403. computer crime

404. computer game

405. computer language

406. computer network

407. computer on a chip

408. computer science

409. computer system

410. computer vision

411. computerization

412. computerize

413. computerized mail system

414. Comvik

415. concurrent programming

416. conditional jump

417. conference

418. confidentiality

419. configuration

420. configuration file

421. configurator

422. configure

423. conformance testing

424. congestion

425. connectionless

426. connection-oriented

427. connectivity

428. connector (1)

429. connector (2)

430. connector (3)

431. Conroe

432. console

433. constant

434. constellation point

435. constraint

436. constructor

437. contact card

438. contact manager

439. contactless card

440. container (1)

441. container (2)

442. container format

443. content

444. content centric software

445. content delivery

446. content management

447. context switching

448. contiguous

449. continuous replenishment

450. contone (continuous-tone)

451. contoured keyboard

452. control (1)

453. control (2)

454. control (3)

455. control character

456. control code

457. control flow

458. control operation

459. control pad

460. control plane

461. control unit (1)

462. control unit (2)

463. controller

464. conventional memory

465. convergence

466. convergence layer

467. conversion (1)

468. conversion (2)

469. conversion (3)

470. conversion (4)

471. conversion (5)

472. convert

473. converter

474. convolutional code

475. cookie

476. co-operative multitasking

477. coprocessor

478. COPS (Common Open Policy Service Protocol)

479. copy (1)

480. copy (2)

481. copy (3)

482. copywriter

483. CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture)

484. cordless phone, cordless telephone

485. core (1)

486. core (2)

487. core (3)

488. core (4)

489. core class

490. core dump

491. core file

492. core image

493. core network

494. core services

495. Corsair

496. COSE (Common Open Software Environment)

497. counter

498. counter (1)

499. counter (2)

500. counter (3)

501. country club billing

502. Courier Mail Server

503. courseware

504. Covington

505. CP/M (Control Program for Microcomputers)

506. CPC (Cost-per-click)

507. CPE (Customer Premises Equipment)

508. CPLD (Complex Programmable Logic Device)

509. CPM (Cost per thousand)

510. cps (character per second)

511. CPS (Customer Programming Software)


513. CPU (Central Processing Unit)

514. CPU binding

515. CPU time

516. crack (1)

517. crack (2)

518. cracker

519. crash (1)

520. crash (2)

521. crash dump

522. crawler

523. CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check)

524. CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Checking)

525. credentials

526. credit

527. credit card

528. credit card processing

529. credit card processor

530. credit card transaction

531. credit transfer

532. crippleware (1)

533. crippleware (2)

534. critical section

535. critical update

536. CRLI (Certificate Revocation List Identifier)

537. CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

538. cron

539. cron expression

540. crop

541. Cross-Forest Trust

542. crossover cable

543. cross-platform

544. CRS (Computer Reservation System)

545. CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) display

546. crumb

547. Crusoe

548. cryptanalysis

549. cryptographic checkvalue

550. cryptography

551. Cryptoki

552. Cryptolope

553. CSMA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access)

554. CSMA/CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access With Collision Avoidance)

555. CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection)

556. CSP (Commerce Service Provider)

557. CSPDN (Circuit Switched Public Data Network)

558. CSR (1) Control and Status Register

559. CSR (2) (Customer Service Representative)

560. CSR (3) (Certificate Signing Request)

561. CSS (1) (Cascading Style Sheets)

562. CSS (2) (Content Scrambling System)

563. CSU/DSU (Channel Service Unit/Data Service Unit)

564. CSV (Comma Separated Values)

565. CT bus

566. CTCP (Client-To-Client Protocol)

567. CTI (Computer Telephony Integration)

568. CTPH (Context Triggered Piecewise Hashing)

569. CTR (Click Through Rate)

570. CU (See you)

571. cuesheet

572. CUL (See you later)

573. CUL8ER (See you later)

574. cursor

575. customizable

576. customization

577. customize

578. cut

579. CVBS (Composite Video Baseband Signal)

580. CVD (China Video Disk)

581. CVS (Concurrent Versions System)

582. CWMI (Common Warehouse Metadata Interchange)

583. cXML (commerce XML)

584. CYA (Cover your ass)

585. CyberCash

586. cybercrime

587. cybermediary

588. cyberspace

589. cyberstalking

590. CyberWallet

591. Cygwin (GNU + Cygnus + Windows)

592. cylinder

593. CYO (See you online)

594. Cyrix

595. Cyrus