1. S band

2. S.M.A.R.T (Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology)

3. s/key (secret key)

4. S/N (Signal-to-Noise ratio)

5. S/UTP (Shielded/Screened) Unshielded Twisted Pair

6. S4L (Spam for life)

7. Sabre

8. SACD (Super Audio CD)

9. Safari

10. SAID (Security Association ID)

11. SAM (System Account Manager)

12. Samba (SaMBa)

13. sample

14. sample size

15. sampling

16. sampling rate

17. SAN (Storage Area Network)

18. SAN (System Area Network)

19. sandbox (1)

20. sans serif

21. SAP (Secondary Audio Program)

22. SAP (Service Advertising Protocol)

23. SAP AG

24. SAPI (Scheduling Application Programming Interface)

25. SAPI (Speech Application Programming Interface)

26. SART (Search and Rescue Transponder)

27. SAT (SIM Application Toolkit)

28. SATA (Serial ATA)

29. satellite communications

30. satellite feed

31. satellite link

32. satellite mobile phone

33. satellite TV

34. save

35. SBR (Spectral Band Replication)

36. SC connector

37. scalability

38. scalable

39. scalable font

40. scalar (1)

41. scalar (2)

42. scalar (3)

43. scale

44. scan (1)

45. scan (2)

46. scan (3)

47. scan line

48. Scandisk

49. scanner

50. SCART connector (Syndicat Francais des Constructeurs d’Appareils Radio et Télévision connector)

51. SCC (SuperComputer Center)

52. S-CDMA (Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access)

53. scheduler (1)

54. scheduler (2)

55. scheduling

56. schema (1)

57. schema (2)

58. Scheme

59. SCI (Scalable Coherent Interface)

60. SCM (Supply Chain Management)

61. SCNR (Sorry, Could Not Resist)

62. SCO UnixWare

63. SCP (Secure Copy Protocol)

64. SCP (Service Control Point)

65. scramble

66. scrambler

67. scrambling

68. screen capture

69. screen dump

70. screen flicker

71. screen saver

72. screenshot

73. script

74. scripting language, script language

75. scripting tool

76. scroll

77. scroll bar, scrollbar

78. scrollable list box

79. SCSI (Small Computer System Interface)

80. SCSI-1

81. SCSI-2

82. SCSI-3

83. scumware

84. SD card (Secure Digital card)

85. SDH (Synchronous Data Hierarchy)

86. SDI (Serial Digital Interface)

87. SDIO (Secure Digital I/O Card)

88. SDK (Software Development Kit)

89. SDLC (Synchronous Data Link Control)

90. SDRAM (Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory)

91. SDRAM latency


93. SDSL (Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line)

94. SDTV (Standard Definition TV)

95. SeaMonkey

96. search engine

97. search form

98. searchable database

99. SECAM (Sequential Couleur Avec Memoire)

100. SECC (Single Edge Contact Cartridge)

101. SECC 2

102. secondary radar

103. secret key

104. secret key cryptography

105. sector

106. secure channel

107. secure server

108. secure site

109. security

110. security alert

111. security alert message

112. Security Association

113. security attribute

114. security audit

115. security audit trail

116. security hole

117. security kernel

118. security label

119. security policy

120. security protocol

121. security risk

122. security service

123. SEG (S***-eating grin)

124. segment (1)

125. segment (2)

126. segment (3)

127. segment register

128. segmentation

129. select

130. self-extracting archive

131. SELinux (Security Enhanced Linux)

132. semantics

133. semaphore

134. Sempron

135. Sendmail

136. sensitivity

137. sensor

138. SEPP (Single Edge Processor Package)

139. sequencer

140. SerDes (Serializer/Deserializer)

141. serial

142. serial bus

143. serial interface

144. serial line

145. serial port

146. serial printer

147. serial transmission

148. serif

149. servent

150. server (1)

151. server (2)

152. server application

153. server farm

154. Server POS (Server Point of Sale)

155. server software

156. server space

157. server station

158. server types

159. server-based keys

160. server-side processing

161. server-side scripting

162. service

163. service pack

164. service profile

165. service set

166. session

167. session key

168. session layer

169. set (1)

170. set (2)

171. set (3)

172. set (4)

173. SET (Secure Electronic Transaction Protocol)

174. setting

175. settlement

176. settop

177. set-top box

178. set-up (1)

179. set-up (2)

180. setup fees

181. SF (Surfer-friendly (low-graphics Web site))

182. SFP (Small Form-factor Pluggable)

183. SFR (Split Frame Rendering)

184. SFTP (Shielded and Foiled Twisted Pair)

185. SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol)

186. SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language)

187. SGRAM (Synchronous Graphics Random Access Memory)

188. sh (SHell)

189. SHA (Secure Hashing Algrithm)

190. shader

191. shading

192. shadow register

193. Shannon’s theorem

194. share

195. shared channel

196. shared DASD

197. shared database

198. shared disk array

199. shared file

200. shared hosting

201. shared lock

202. shared logic

203. shared mailbox

204. shared media LAN

205. shared memory (1)

206. shared memory (2)

207. shared resource

208. share-level security

209. shareware

210. shell

211. SHF (Super High Frequencies)

212. shift (1)

213. shift (2)

214. shift register

215. Shockwave Flash

216. shopping cart

217. short (short integer)

218. shortcut key

219. SHTML (Server-side include HyperText Markup Language file)

220. SHTTP (Secure HTTP)

221. S-HTTP (Secure HTTP)

222. shutter

223. shutter speed

224. sig, signature file

225. signal

226. signal constellation

227. signalling

228. signalling message

229. signalling rate

230. signed integer

231. signed number

232. silver oxide cell

233. SIM (Subscriber Identity Module)

234. SIM card

235. SIMD (Single-Instruction, Multiple-Data) architecture

236. SIMM (Single Inline Memory Module)

237. SIMPLE (SIP for Instant Messaging and Presence Leveraging Extensions)

238. simple messaging

239. simplex

240. SIMsalabim

241. single-user game

242. sink

243. SIP (SMDS Interface Protocol)

244. SIP (Session Initiation Protocol)

245. SIP (Single In-line Package)

246. SiP (System in Package)

247. SIP proxy (Session Initiation Protocol proxy)

248. SIS file

249. SISD (Single Instruction Single Data)

250. SITD (Still In The Dark)

251. site

252. sitemap, site map

253. skin

254. SKU (Stockkeeping Unit)

255. SKU (StockKeeping Unit)

256. Skype

257. SLA (Service Level Agreement)

258. slate computer

259. SLDRAM (Synchronous Link DRAM)

260. Sledgehammer

261. SLI (Scalable Link Interface)

262. SLIP (Serial Line Internet Protocol)

263. slipstreaming

264. slot (1)

265. slot (2)

266. slot (3)

267. slot (4)

268. slot time

269. SLP (Service Location Protocol)

270. SLR (Single Lens Reflex)

271. SMA connector (1)

272. SMA connector (2)

273. Smalltalk

274. smart card

275. Smart Grid

276. smart phone

277. smart TV

278. SmartMedia

279. SMB (Server Message Block)

280. SMD (Storage Module Device)

281. SMD (Surface Mount Device)

282. SMDS (Switched Multimegabit Data Services)

283. SMF (Single-Mode fiber, SingleMode Fiber)

284. SMIL (Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language)

285. smiley

286. S-MIME Encryption

287. smoothing (1)

288. smoothing (2)

289. SMP (Simple Management Protocol)

290. SMP (Symmetric MultiProcessing)

291. SMPTE (Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers)

292. SMS (Short Message Service)

293. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)

294. SMTP server

295. smurf

296. SNA (Systems Network Architecture)

297. SNADS (SNA Distribution Services)

298. SNAFU (Situation normal, all f***ed up)

299. snail mail

300. snap-in

301. snapshot (1)

302. snapshot (2)

303. sniffer

304. SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)

305. snowflake schema

306. SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)

307. SoC (System On a Chip)

308. socket (1)

309. socket (2)

310. socket services

311. SOCKS

312. SODIMM (Small Outline-DIMM)

313. soft error

314. softphone

315. software

316. software application

317. software component

318. software developer

319. software development

320. software engineering

321. software failure

322. software industry

323. software interface

324. software interrupt

325. software localization

326. software module

327. software package

328. software piracy

329. software product

330. software tools

331. SoftWindows

332. SOHO (small office / home office)

333. SOI (Silicon On Insulator)

334. SOIC (Small Outline IC)

335. SOJ (Small Outline package J-lead)

336. SOL (Smilling out loud or sh*t out of luck)

337. Solaris

338. SOM (System Object Model)

339. SOMY (Sick of me yet?)

340. SONET (Synchronous Optical Network)

341. SOP (Small Outline Package)

342. sound bar

343. sound card

344. source

345. source code

346. source directory

347. Southbridge

348. SP (Stack Pointer)

349. SPA (Single Page Application)

350. space character

351. spam

352. spam relay

353. spamdexing

354. spamware

355. spanning tree

356. SPARC (Scalable Performance ARChitecture)

357. spectral leakage

358. speculative loading, speculation

359. speech codec

360. speech processing

361. speech recognition

362. speech synthesis

363. speech-recognition engine

364. speed margining

365. spell checker

366. SPID (Service Profile Identifier)

367. spider

368. spike

369. spin lock

370. splash page

371. splash screen

372. splitter

373. spoofing

374. spooling (Simultaneous Peripheral Operations On-Line)

375. spreader

376. spreadsheet

377. spreadsheet program

378. SPX (Sequenced Packet Exchange)

379. spyware

380. SQCIF (Sub Quarter CIF)

381. SQL (Structured Query Language)

382. SQL database

383. SQL injection

384. SQL Server

385. Squid

386. SRAM (Static Random Access Memory)

387. SRB (Source Routing Bridge)

388. sRGB (screen Red, Green, Blue)

389. SRP (Spatial Reuse Protocol)

390. SRV record (SeRVice record)

391. SS (Spread Spectrum)

392. SS7 (Signaling System 7)

393. SSA (Secure Sockets Agent)

394. SSA (Serial Storage Architecture)

395. SSB (Single SideBand)

396. SSD (Solid State Drive)

397. SSE (Streaming SIMD Extensions)

398. SSE2 (Streaming SIMD Extensions 2)

399. SSFDC (Solid State Floppy Disk Card)

400. SSH (Secure Socket Shell, Secure SHell)

401. SSI (Server Side Include)

402. SSID (Service Set IDentifier)

403. SSID hiding

404. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)

405. SSMA (Spread Spectrum Multiple Access)

406. SSP (1) (Service Switching Point)

407. SSP (2) (Storage Service Provider)

408. SSP (3) (Switch to Switch Protocol)

409. stability

410. stable version

411. stack

412. stackware

413. staging server

414. standby (1)

415. standby (2)

416. star network

417. star schema

418. state

419. state diagram

420. state machine

421. state machine

422. stateful

423. stateless

424. statement

425. static file

426. station

427. status register

428. STC (Secure Transaction Channel)

429. STCP (Stream Transmission Control Protocol)

430. steganography

431. step-index fiber

432. STFW (Search the f*****g Web)

433. sTLD (sponsored Top-Level Domain)

434. STM (Synchronous Transport Module)

435. STN (SuperTwisted Nematic)

436. storage

437. storage capacity

438. storage device

439. storage engine

440. storage medium

441. storage space

442. storage system

443. store (1)

444. store (2)

445. stored procedure

446. storyboard

447. STP (1) (Signal Transfer Point)

448. STP (2) (Shielded Twisted Pair)

449. STP (3) (Spanning Tree Protocol)

450. straight-through cable

451. stream (1)

452. stream (2)

453. stream (3)

454. stream (4)

455. stream (5)

456. stream cipher

457. streamer

458. streaming

459. streaming audio

460. streaming tape

461. streaming video

462. string

463. string literal

464. striping

465. strong encryption

466. strong typing

467. Strowger telephone exchange

468. structure

469. structured overlay network

470. structured programming

471. stub (1)

472. stub (2)

473. STW (Search the Web)

474. style

475. style sheet

476. stylus

477. subcarrier

478. subclass

479. subdirectory

480. submit

481. subnet

482. subnet bit mask

483. subnet mask

484. subprocess

485. subroutine

486. subroutine call

487. SunOS

488. Super Multidrive

489. superclass

490. supercomputer

491. supercomputer sites

492. SuperDisk

493. superheterodyne

494. superscalar processor

495. superuser

496. supervisor

497. support (1)

498. support (2)

499. surf

500. surflingo

501. surround sound

502. SuSE Linux

503. suspend

504. SUYF (Shut Up, You Fool)

505. SVC (SuperVisor Call)

506. SVC (Switched Virtual Circuit)

507. SVCD (Super VCD)

508. SVD (Simultaneous Voice and Data)

509. SVF (Simple File Verification)

510. SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)

511. SVGA (Super VGA)

512. S-VHS (Super-VHS)

513. SVID (System V Interface Definition)

514. S-video (Super-video)

515. SVPN (Secure VPN)

516. SWAG (Stupid wild-a** guess)

517. SWAN (Structured Wireless-Aware Network)

518. swap partition

519. swapping

520. swatch

521. SWDYT (So What Do You Think(

522. SWF

523. swim

524. Swing

525. swipe

526. swipe discount rate

527. switch (1)

528. switch (2)

529. switch (3)

530. switch (4)

531. Switched 56

532. switched network (1)

533. switched network (2)

534. switching hub

535. SXGA (Super Extended Graphics Array)

536. Sybase

537. sYCC

538. Symbian OS

539. symbol

540. symbol mathematics

541. symbol rate

542. symbolic link, symlink

543. symmetric cryptography

544. SYN (synchronous idle character)

545. synchronization (1)

546. synchronization (2)

547. synchronous

548. synchronous transmission

549. SyncML (Synchronization Markup Language)

550. syndication (1)

551. syndication (2)

552. syntax

553. sysop, system operator

554. system (1)

555. system (2)

556. system (3)

557. system (4)

558. system administration

559. system administrator, sysadmin

560. system analysis

561. system board

562. system bus

563. system call

564. system colors

565. system file

566. system idle process

567. system image

568. system memory

569. system monitor

570. system program

571. system programmer

572. system programming

573. system resource

574. system software

575. system tray

576. systems integrator

577. systems programmer